In 2023 I very nearly walked away from Ruby. But after time to think and reflect, I arrived at a plan to make working on Bridgetown “fun” again. Now a new day dawns, and the ecosystem is poised to enter the next stage of this journey.

TL;DR: Bridgetown 2.0 is now under active development! We have a new Community discussion site (you’re here!), based on Lemmy! Stay tuned for additional announcements coming soon of what’s next for the ecosystem! And now, on with the post…

  • svoop
    23 months ago

    Honestly, it’s the community of people like you who make me love my work with Ruby! As far as my experience goes, fun (as a superclass of developer happiness :-) is absolutely essential and it’s great to hear you’re plotting a plan to make it fun again. My personal shining example is Hanami 2: First alpha out in 2019 it took nearly five years to get to the current, still not fully finished state. A long wait, but necessary it seems in retrospect: It’s alternatives like Bridgetown, Hanami etc which pave the way to a tangible future, where Ruby is no longer considered synonymous with Rails – WIP, but already worth a big thank you!

    • Jared WhiteOPM
      13 months ago

      where Ruby is no longer considered synonymous with Rails

      Thanks svoop! I think that’s a noble goal as well… not that we lack appreciation for all that Rails has done historically to push the Ruby language forward, but clearly a language with only one popular framework is never going to grow past that well-trodden niche.